this is the first time after the long time i not write and coding again, and now i will try to learn, coding and write on my note.. and this the first i install ruby and rails on my laptop with windows 7 operating system. ok this is my step by step instalation
1. download xampp the last version for windows (if you dont have this) and install to your computer.
2. Donwload Ruby from The difference with existing files in is, on the already existing binary files needed to run on Windows (normally compiled with MinGW). after download, install ruby with double klick the installer and folow the intrusctions. I recommend you install Ruby at C:\xampp\ruby
3.install gems , download from and extract to C:\RubyGems\. and then install with command promt C:\xampp\ruby\bin\ruby C:\RubyGems\setup.rb
4. install rails C:\xampp\ruby\bin\gem install rails --include-dependencies
now we can make firts aplication from comand prompt
1. go to directory C:\Xampp\Htdocs
2. C:\Xampp\Htdocs>rails hello
3. cd hello
4. C:\Xampp\Htdocs\hello>ruby script\server
go to browser and see at http://localhost:3000